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Queen Elizabeth National Park

Wealth of wildlife on game drives icluding tree climbling lions

Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda Safari

Among the game parks in East Africa especially Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the most prominent wildlife sanctuary there is. It is situated within the bounds of Western Uganda approximately 376 kilometers from the capital city – Kampala. Because of its nature and rich number of wildlife, Many Safaris in Uganda include a visit to the Murchison Falls National Park parking it the most visited wildlife habitat in the country. There is a very wide diversity of wildlife recognized within Queen Elizabeth national park however, because of the earlier wars
that happened between Uganda and neighboring Tanzania, this reduced the total population of the animals despite the fact that even today; the game viewing is still impressive. This park also entails several natural attractions including the volcanic cones, deep craters, the Maramagambo forest as well as the Kazinga Channel a – natural water stream that joins lakes George and Edward.


Activities in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Kazinga Channel Boat Cruise: You can enjoy a boat ride on the Kazinga channel, a 40 kilometer long water stream that joins Lakes George and Edward, where you will be rewarded with views of large schools of hippos, crocodiles, several birds and some loner buffaloes and elephants grazing in the shallows.

The highlight safari activity in this park is the launch cruise conducted on the Kazinga Channel which is carried out in the morning and in the afternoon.

Game Drives: Morning and afternoon game drives in the park will offer you a chance to see the rich wildlife diversity that lives here. The open savannah scattered with Acacia plus Euphorbia trees inhabits buffaloes, leopards, Uganda kobs with a bonus of the lions not forgetting the water bucks, forest hogs and the Topi. They also use a couple of the tracks to access areas rich with wildlife such as the famous mating grounds for the Uganda kob.

Guided Nature Walks: There are also guided nature walks in the Mweya peninsula which will bring you closer to Mother Nature. In Uganda, the park has one of the biggest areas of tropical forest that is to say the Maramagambo forest reworded as “the forest beyond description” where you will also see several other primates like monkeys and baboons.

Bird watching: this park is a bird watching paradise for both dedicated ornithologists and amateur bird watchers. The park entails 612 bird species such as the Verraux’s Eagle Owl, White tailed lark, Lesser and Greater Flamingoes, Papyrus Gonolek, Eagle Owl, Martial Eagle and the rare Shoe Bill.

Chimpanzee Tracking and Primate Watching: You can engage in chimpanzee tracking adventure in the Kyambura gorge which in addition offers breathtaking views of the surrounding terrain. The Kyambura Gorge, a steep gorge which arose from powerful waters of River Kyambura. It comprises of a verdant riverine forest home to the olive baboons, red tailed monkeys and the black and white Columbus monkeys.

Don’t miss out on viewing the tree climbing lions