+256 773 444 132


Capital Shppers, Nakawa


Uganda Kob – General Wildlife

Uganda Kob – General Wildlife

per person

Chance to see a variety of Uganda’s wildlife, especially mammals and birds, beautiful sceneries from the Kigezi highlands to the Borass’s savannahs in northern Uganda as well as different cultural encounters.

This is Uganda’s commonest tour that runs mainly in the western part of the country as many protected areas are found in the magnificent Albertine Rift with high levels of endemism. This can also be called the western circuit tour and gives a chance to see a variety of Uganda’s wildlife, especially mammals and birds, beautiful sceneries from the Kigezi highlands to the Borass’s savannahs in northern Uganda as well as different cultural encounters.

  • Departure
    Entebbe Airport, Entebbe
  • Include

Day 1: Arrival at Entebbe International Airport

This is Uganda’s only international Airport and gives a good introduction at the breezy Lake Victoria. A walk in the Entebbe Botanical gardens is optional if time allows and overnight at the lodge. O/N at the Lodge


Day 2: Transfer to Lake Mburo National park

This is Uganda’s smallest savanna park with a good array of wildlife from the wooded savannas. After our breakfast, we shall cross the equator downwards to the western part of the country, this is the closest park from Kampala and in a few hours we shall be right in the scenic Lake Mburo NP. This park boasts of a good diversity of birds and big mammals. Some of the possible sightings include; Giraffe, Zebra, buffalo,leopard, impala, eland, bushbuck and lion among others. This park is in the vicinity of the Ankore herdsmen and the stunning views of the Ankore long-horned cattle will not miss. O/N at the lodge


 Day 3: Full Day in the park

We shall spend the whole day in the park. A game drive will give us to interact with the beautiful zebras and watch impalas as they jump through grasslands. We shall also have a boat cruise on the calm waters of Lake Mburo overlooking the beautiful Kigarama hills. Some of the bird sightings include; African Finfoot, Lilac-breasted Roller, Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove, Stripped Kingfisher among others. Return back to the lodge


Day 4: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

After breakfast, we shall drive further south to the hilly Kigezi region in the mountain gorilla highlands. We shall drive through a lot of unique things including building styles, different crop farmlands as well as very scenic views. We shall heck in at the lodge in bwindi as we prepare for a once in a lifetime experience. An optional walk to the vulnerable Batwa people can take up the evening. O/N at the lodge


Day 5: Gorilla Tracking Day

After breakfast, we shall put on our hiking gear as well as grab our parked lunches and check if we have everything necessary for a gorilla tracking expedition. This is one of those exciting days and one can easily feel butterflies in the stomach. A meeting between man and the gentle giants makes some people tremble and have sleepless nights. We shall head to the park headquarters for entertainment, briefing as well as the start of the trek to the gorillas. This can be a full day activity but if lucky, you can come out after a few hours. O/N at the lodge


Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

After a super exciting activity in the highlands, we shall have breakfast and head north to the savannas of Queen Elizabeth National Park. This park is famously known as the home of the tree climbing lions in Ishasha-southern part of the park. We shall drive through Ishasha and sleep further north at the escarpment as this park lies right at the floor of the Albertine rift valley. O/N at the lodge


Day 7: Full day in the park

After an early morning breakfast, we shall head out, cross the Kazinga channel and get into Kasenyi plains for our morning game drive. This is part of Queen Elizabeth that is mainly savanna grassland with a few thickets which has a lot of grazers and hence the predators are also there to feed. With luck, we shall sight the big mammals like lions, leopards, elephants. Buffalo, Uganda kob, warthog, and hippos as they return back to the lake. We shall later end our game drive in a community craft market at Kasenyi salt lake. This will mark the end of our game drive and we then drive to Mweya Peninsula for an afternoon boat cruise. On a good day, this boat provides excellent views of some big mammals and they include; elephants and buffalos as they drink and cool off their bodies from the scotching sun, man schools of hippos, the Nile crocodile and monitor lizard among others. This channel is also home to more than 50 species of water birds and a good spot for birders including the African Skimmer, African Fish-Eagle, Pied and malachite Kingfishers, Great and Long-tailed Cormorants, Hamerkop, Yellow-billed and Marabou Storks among many others. Overnight back at the lodge


Day 8: Transfer to Kibale National Park

After breakfast, we shall game drive as we head to the land of scenic craters. Kibale is a mid-altitude and partly lowland forest that contains the highest number of primates and this is the reason why it is famously known as “the Primate capital of the World”. We shall head to this park and enjoy the forest calls from the abundant wildlife but also the cool fresh air as we await a visit to the chimpanzees. Some of the possible sightings other than the chimpanzees include primates like the Olive baboon, Uganda Mangabey, red-tailed, Vervet, Blue and L’hoest monkeys, Guereza and Red Colobus Monkeys to mention a few. There are also big forest inhabitants like the buffalo, elephant and duikers among others. Overnight at the lodge of choice


Day 9: Chimp Tracking

After breakfast, we shall grab our packed lunch boxes and jungle boots among other stuff and head out to the park headquarters for a briefing prior to chimpanzee tracking. A visit to man’s closest cousins in their natural habitat is quite enjoyable as you compare their daily activities with us their 98.7% counterparts. This is normally a half day activity and we shall later head out to search for these interesting and active primates. After tracking and lunch, we shall then have a late afternoon swamp walk in Bigodi. Kibale is not only known for primates but also rare bird species which are excitingly hard to see anywhere else on the continent. These include the Green-breasted and African Pitta, Cassin’s Flycatcher, Shining Blue and Blue-breasted Kingfishers, Yellow-billed and Yellow-spotted Barbets among others.


Day 10: Transfer to Murchison Falls National Park

After breakfast, we shall drive our longest journey on this safari to Murchison Falls National Park. This park lies at the northern extreme end of the Albertine Rift valley in the north west of Uganda. It is also Uganda’s biggest conservation area and offers very exciting scenic and wildlife chances on this tour. It is divided into the northern and southern sectors and these are divided by the Victoria Nile which later joins Lake Albert at the delta to form Albert Nile, all part of the world’s longest river. The Borass’s palms put an excellent decoration in the grasslands north of the park with interlocking hills making the scenery wonderful. Overnight at the lodge


Day 11: Full Day in the park 

We shall have an early morning game drive as well as an afternoon boat ride to the bottom of Murchison Falls. After breakfast, we shall start our game drive and head out to check what nature offers us. This will range from big mammals to small creatures like birds and beetles. Some of the culprits include Giraffe, kob, elephant, Hartebeest, Kob, Oribi, lion, leopard and waterbuck to mention a few. Towards the afternoon, we shall drive near the jetty; have our parked lunch or return back to the lodge for an early hot lunch as we prepare for the boat ride. While on the boat, there are views of more big mammals and a very nice list of birds and some include Goliath Heron, Shoebill, African Darter, Giant Kingfisher, Red-throated Bee-eaters, Bat Hawk and Pel’s Fishing Owl among others. Hippos and crocodiles will not miss on the list of sightings. Back to the lodge


Day 12: Drive back to Entebbe and Departure

After breakfast, we shall game drive as we head out , have a visit to the top of the Murchison falls with excellent views but also a powerful vibration in a few kilometers, it is a photo place that one shouldn’t miss out on. After this, we shall have lunch along the route as we head to Entebbe finally for our farewell to the pearl of Africa.

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